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Awesome Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

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Legend: 💙 Official resource

IDE Extensions

Legend: 💙 Official resource


Legend: 💙 Official plugin · 🎨 Theming · 💼 Utilities · 🧬 Variants · 🧩 Components · 🛑 Deprecated

🛑 - The plugins below offer functionalities that are now fully or partially implemented in Tailwind CSS.


Legend: 🌍 Accessible online · 🔼 Conversion or upgrade tool · 🔧 Generator · 🅰 Typing/enforcement · 💼 Plugins/Tools/Extensions for external services · 🎨 Color-related · 🚀 Framework

UI Libraries, Components & Templates

Legend: 💙 Official resource · 📚 Library · 🧩 Components · 📁 Templates

Starters & Themes

Legend: 💼 Package · 📟 Command line tool/generator · 🚀 Cloneable

Open-Source Projects


Legend: 💙 Official resource · 🧪 Sample · 🔧 Setup Tutorial · 🎬 Video Tutorial · 🎓 Component or Page Tutorial · 🎥 Cast


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