Awesome JSON Awesome

A curated list of awesome JSON libraries and resources.

Inspired by the awesome list.


OS X * Visual JSON (github) - simple JSON pretty-viewer for Mac OS X. * JSONExport - convert a object to a class of one of the currently supported languages.

Binary Serialization

Browser Extensions

Chrome * JSON Formatter (github) - Makes JSON easy to read. Open source. * JSON Viewer (github) - It is a Chrome extension for printing JSON and JSONP. * JSON Browser (github) - Browse a JSON web with the help of JSON schemas. * JSON Finder (github) - Browse like you do it in Finder. * JSON Viewer Pro (github - An open source Chrome extension for browsing JSON with syntax highlighting and folding, or as a visual graph. * Discoverable JSON (github) - Gron inspired Extension. Convert a JSON document into javascript expressions. Comes with filter, remove, find-and-replace capabilities.

Firefox * JSONView (github) - View JSON documents in the browser.

Safari * JSONAce (github) - Formats & syntax highlights JSON viewed inside of the web browser using the ACE editor. * JSONView (github) - A port of the JSONView Firefox extension that formats and syntax highlights JSON viewed inside of the browser

Command-line tools



Data modeling

Data generation



Format Extensions

Frontend components


C * Jansson - A C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating data. * jsmn - A minimalistic parser in C. It can be easily integrated into the resource-limited projects or embedded systems. * ojc - A fast JSON parser.

C++ * ArduinoJson - An efficient library for embedded systems. * JSON++ - A self contained Flex/Bison parser for C++11. * json11 - A tiny library for C++11. * Nlohmann JSON - A C++11 header-only class. * RapidJSON - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API * simdjson - Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second.

Clojure * data.json - parser/generator to/from Clojure data structures.

Fortran * JSON-Fortran - A Fortran library for writing, reading, and manipulating JSON files and data structures.

Go * ojg - A collection of high performance JSON processing and generating tool.

Haskell * aeson-qq - JSON quasiquoter for Haskell. * json-schema - JSON Schema library for Haskell * hjsonschema - JSON Schema Draft 4 library for Haskell

Java * JSON-java - A reference implementation. * Fast JSON Processor * Gson - A Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa. * Jackson - A multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON data format. * moshi - A modern JSON library for Android and Java. * essential-json - A lightweight Java library for serialization, parsing and manipulation with a clean and precise API. * dsl-json - A very fast streaming JSON library. Operates on byte arrays. * mjson - Lean JSON Library for Java, with a compact, elegant API.

Javascript * JSON-js - JSON in JavaScript. * JSON 3 - A modern implementation. * oboe.js - A streaming approach, speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.

Objective-C * JSONKit - Objective-C library. * SBJson - Parse one or more chunks of data.

Perl * JSON::Tiny - Perl module for encoding and decoding JSON in a minimalistic way.

PL/SQL * PL/JSON - A generic JSON object written in PL/SQL.

PHP * Webmozart JSON - A robust decoder/encoder with support for schema validation.

Python * simplejson - A simple, fast, extensible encoder/decoder * jsonpickle - Library for serializing any arbitrary object graph. * metamagic.json - An ultra-fast Python 3 implementation of a JSON encoder.

Ruby * oj - A fast JSON parser and Object marshaller as a Ruby gem. * MultiJSON - A generic swappable back-end for JSON handling.

React * json2react - Use JSON to create React Stateless Components.

.NET * jsonfx - serialization framework for .NET. * jsonapi-consumer - Client framework for consuming JSONAPI based APIs on the JSON API standard.

Scala * spray-json - A lightweight, clean and simple implementation in Scala. * circe - Yet another JSON library for Scala. * scala-jsonapi - Support library for integrating the JSON:API spec with Play, Spray and/or Circe backends. * jsoniter-scala - Scala macros for compile-time generation of ultra-fast JSON codecs.

Swift * SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with data in Swift.


Online tools

Schema Specifications







Text Editor Plugins

Emacs * JSON Reformat - Reformat tool.

Vim * vim-json - A better JSON for Vim: distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing. Pathogen-friendly.



JSON Schema Frontend components

JSON Schema Tools

JSON Schema Resources

JSON Schema Validators

Javascript and Node.js * json-schema-benchmark - Performance benchmark for Node.js validators. * is-my-json-valid - A validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast. * jsen - A validator built for speed. * themis - A blazing fast validator. * jsck - JSON Schema Compiled checK. * z-schema - validator written in JavaScript for NodeJS and Browsers. * jjv - Javascript Library for Schema Validation. * request-validator - Flexible request validator middleware for express and connect. * tv4 - Tiny Validator. * ajv - The fastest validator. Supports v5/6 proposals.

Java and Kotlin * Medeia Validator - Compliant (draft-04/06/07) and fast streaming validator written in Kotlin

PHP * JSON Schema for PHP - PHP implementation of JSON schema. * JSON Guard - A validator for JSON Schema Draft 4.

Python * jsonschema - Python implementation of jsonschema. * JSON Schema Toolkit - Programmatic building of JSON schemas (recursive field mappings) with validation, a Django JSON Field, and native PostgreSQL JSON type constraints.

Ruby * Ruby JSON Schema Validator - validating against a JSON schema conforming to JSON Schema Draft 4.


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